Sunday, December 17, 2006

Bob Loblaw law blog

Since returning to Blacksburg from Boston, I realize that I have nothing to talk about... so I have decided to completely change the way I think about blogging. Most people I know have a purpose for creating a web log or journal. I, however, do not. Nothing about my daily life is interesting or meaningful. As a result, this blog will change. It will no longer have any content of relevance or value (which isn't a big step up from before). I therefore leave you with a conversation I had with a friend of mine had online the other day. It's cheap and provides mild thrills.

monkey1: are you coming in for that jesus' birthday thing ?
canadahauntsme: yeah. it's a surprise party, right? moses is going to jump out of a cake
canadahauntsme: the thing is, i just don't know what to get the son of God. he just doesn't need anything
monkey1: its hard to buy for sombody who created everything.
canadahauntsme: exactly
monkey1: its like hmmm god, can you mayby NOT create something today so i can get you a present.
canadahauntsme: but then, like, how can you get it? cuz if he didn't create it you sure as hell aren't going to find it anywhere
canadahauntsme: and even if you did, all the stores would be out of them
canadahauntsme: you'd go to wal-mart and ask the clerk "do you have a frazmajam?" and they'd be like "dude, we sold out of those a week ago," and then you just end up buying jesus a snow globe or something...
monkey1: well maybe he can create a machine that will create one thing that he never created and then you can give it to him
canadahauntsme: hmm... I think you're on to something


At 5:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooooo a jesus snowglobe!!! glad to see you writin' again!

At 12:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting, but wouldn't this machine create a universe destroying paradox similar to the one caused by the Buddy Christ-lovin' Cardinal Glick in Dogma?

"I repeat, this is not a drill. This is the apocalypse. Please exit the hospital in an orderly fashion. Thank you"


At 8:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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