Where have I been?
Sorry for taking so freaking long to post something. There's no excuse. I could say that I've been sick, that I've had to juggle both work and school, that the Mass. Turnpike under Boston collapsed (all true)... but you wouldn't accept it anyway, would you?
And I don't blame you.
I am Joseph. Master procrastinator. You know me as such and wouldn't have it any other way. So just to catch you up...
Last Thursday: I ditch work to go to another Red Sox game when my friend calls me at 9am to tell me she has tickets. The game's at 2pm. "Can you miss work?" "Hell yes." We end the day with drinks at the Green St. Tavern in Cambridge where (due to the fact that the bartender there has a crush on my friend's friend) we get lots of free food and beverages.
Saturday: My birthday (or as Jose would say: anniversary). Another day older and my life still seems boring. *sigh* But I get lots of calls from friends who let me know I'm still loved which means more to me than anything that comes wrapped in paper. It's been raining all day, but I still make it downtown to watch the first act of Taming of the Shrew in Boston Commons (free production). Modern. Piquant. Exquisite. Later on it's dinner and drinks around town with my Salem friend.
Today: Although it's raining now, I call a marine service in Freeport, ME to reserve a kayak for the weekend. Tomorrow morning (despite a small sinus infection) I drive up north and kayak out into the Casco bay and Atlantic ocean to camp on one of the remote islands there. Hopefully I'll have pictures (if I don't drop my camera into the big drink!)
More later. I promise. Really.