Feeling a bit proud
Last night I spent a manly hour drinking beer, listening to rock music, and sewing. That's right, sewing. A couple of months ago I returned home to realize that my jeans felt a bit draftier than before. Upon further inspection I noticed they had a 6" rip from the waist and down the right rear pocket. While classy, this is not the fashion statement I wanted to start. For the past two months these jeans (only a couple of weeks old at the time) have been draped across my office chair begging for attention which they finally received last night.
Now, you must keep in mind that I haven't stitched anything since, well, ever. Both my mother and my sister are excellent with needles of all sorts, but my throbbing thumb and index finger from countless stabbings tell me I am not.
The first several minutes proved to be quite unproductive, but after some practice (and more beer) I started to get the hang of it. I'm not sure what sort of stitch I used (wikipedia's articles on the matter don't show pictures, so it was difficult to identify), but it seemed to do the job well. Observe!