brewing blog on the way
I'm starting a blog about home brewing soon. Stay tuned.
the ongoing blog of a rambling doctoral researcher: canada doesn't really haunt me; it's just a song title
Last night I spent a manly hour drinking beer, listening to rock music, and sewing. That's right, sewing. A couple of months ago I returned home to realize that my jeans felt a bit draftier than before. Upon further inspection I noticed they had a 6" rip from the waist and down the right rear pocket. While classy, this is not the fashion statement I wanted to start. For the past two months these jeans (only a couple of weeks old at the time) have been draped across my office chair begging for attention which they finally received last night.
Both my sister and cousin tagged me for this weird task:
Since returning to Blacksburg from Boston, I realize that I have nothing to talk about... so I have decided to completely change the way I think about blogging. Most people I know have a purpose for creating a web log or journal. I, however, do not. Nothing about my daily life is interesting or meaningful. As a result, this blog will change. It will no longer have any content of relevance or value (which isn't a big step up from before). I therefore leave you with a conversation I had with a friend of mine had online the other day. It's cheap and provides mild thrills.
This is a bit depressing, but I just had one of the best weekends in, well, months. Want to know what I did?
This weekend was really crumby and today started out no different; I overslept and wound up snapping at some of my co-workers (or at least being disagreeable).